To start up the Spring application we need to have JDK8 and Maven installed (their environment variables need to be set up as well). After installing those we will continue to the next part. Packaging the Application into a Jar Navigate in your Terminal to the directory sa-webapp (repo) and type the following command: $ mvn
Setting up the React Application
Setting up React for Local Development To start up the React application we need to have NodeJS and NPM installed on our computer. After installing those navigate with your Terminal to the directory sa-frontend (clone the repo) and type the following command: $ npm install This downloads all the Javascript libraries required by the React Application and
Introduction and Application Architecture
Foreword This series is created from my notes and small projects that I used to introduce clients to Kubernetes. After browsing the web I was puzzled that there are no good beginner-friendly resources online. To be more accurate: There are great resources for learning Kubernetes concepts and commands (The Interactive Tutorial) and A myriad of resources for
Internal Loadbalancers with Application Gateway (AKS)
Manage access to microservices in Azure Container Services (AKS) using an Application Gateway and Internal LoadBalancers for AKS. Managing access provides us the ability to secure your application with SSL Certificates and Web Application Firewall.
Scale up Kubernetes cluster in Azure
Scale up your Kubernetes cluster in Azure, by updating the ARM templates generated by acs-engine.
Hide sensitive data in ACS-Engine templates
ACS-Engine generates ARM Templates for setting up docker enabled clusters. Those ARM Templates contain sensitive information which can be securely referenced using the KeyVault service. Thus enabling sharing and keeping the templates in the team code repository.