Let’s continue where we left off, creating the Images for the Java and Python Applications. And then we will verify that everything works together. Then we are ready to continue with the most important part Kubernetes.
Container-ization of the Services
Learn Docker basics and how to define, build and push your docker container that serves static files using the Nginx WebServer. This article is from the “Kubernetes and everything else” series and will be of prime importance to understand how Kubernetes works.
Setting up the Python Application
To start the Python application we need to have Python3 and Pip installed (their environment variables need to be set up as well). Installing Dependencies Navigate in the CMD to the directory sa-logic/sa (repo) and type the following command: $ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt $ python -m textblob.download_corpora Starting the app Pip installs the dependencies
Setting up the Spring WebApplication
To start up the Spring application we need to have JDK8 and Maven installed (their environment variables need to be set up as well). After installing those we will continue to the next part. Packaging the Application into a Jar Navigate in your Terminal to the directory sa-webapp (repo) and type the following command: $ mvn
Setting up the React Application
Setting up React for Local Development To start up the React application we need to have NodeJS and NPM installed on our computer. After installing those navigate with your Terminal to the directory sa-frontend (clone the repo) and type the following command: $ npm install This downloads all the Javascript libraries required by the React Application and