Kubernetes and everything else in Practice

This entry is part 11 of 12 in the series Kubernetes and everything else
Fig. 1. Partial Architecture

In the last three articles (Kubernetes in Practice – Pods, Services, and Deployments) we put many Kubernetes concepts into practice, but there is still more work to do, for reference see figure 1. Up to now we completed the LoadBalancer for the frontend and deployed the SA-Frontend pods. There is still a good chunk left to do, but because we know all the basics, completing those will be quick.

Deployment SA Logic

Navigate with your terminal to the folder resource-manifests and execute the following command:

$ kubectl apply -f sa-logic-deployment.yaml --record
deployment "sa-logic" created
Fig. 2. Deployed SA Logic

The deployment SA-Logic created three pods (running the container of our python application) and it labeled them with app: sa-logic, this labeling enables us to target them using a selector from the SA-Logic service, but before we do that, let’s open the file  sa-logic-deployment.yaml and check out the contents.

Do you notice that it’s the same concepts used all over again? This is why we will continue without further due to the next resource the service SA-Logic.

Service SA Logic

Before we get started let’s elaborate why we need this Service. The reason why we need the SA-Logic service is that our Java application (running in SA – WebApp) depends on the sentiment analysis done by the Python Application. But now, in contrast when we were running everything locally, we don’t have 1 python application listening to one port, we have 3 pods and if needed we could have countless pods running and listening for requests. And as we said in the article about services “The Kubernetes Service resource acts as the entry point to a set of pods that provide the same functional service”, this means that we can use the Service SA-Logic as the entry point to all the SA-Logic pods.

Fig. 3. Created Service SA-Logic

Let’s do that:

$ kubectl apply -f service-sa-logic.yaml --record
service "sa-logic" created

Current Application State: We have 3 pods (containing the Python Application) running and we have the SA-Logic service as an entry point that we will use in the SA-WebApp pods. Now we need to deploy the SA-WebApp pods, using a deployment.

Deployment SA WebApp

We are getting the hang out of deployments, though this one has one more feature. If you open the file sa-web-app-deployment.yaml you will find this part new:

- image: rinormaloku/sentiment-analysis-web-app
  imagePullPolicy: Always
  name: sa-web-app
    - name: SA_LOGIC_API_URL
      value: "http://sa-logic"
    - containerPort: 8080

The first thing that interests us is what does the env property do? And we surmise that it is declaring the environment variable SA_LOGIC_API_URL with the value “http://sa-logic” inside our pods. And that’s exactly what’s happening.

If you remember, our Spring WebApp was forwarding calls to the Python Application, and for that, we were providing the IP and PORT of the python application as a property to the Spring WebApp (and later on we were providing the value of the property as a container Environment variable using SA_LOGIC_API_URL). But why are we initializing it to http://sa-logic, what is sa-logic?

We cannot postpone this any longer, let’s get introduced to kube-dns.


Kubernetes has a special pod the kube-dns. And by default, all Pods use it as the DNS Server. One important property of kube-dns is that it creates a DNS record for each created service. This means that when we created the service sa-logic it got an IP address and its name was added as a record (in conjunction with the IP) in kube-dns, this enables all the pods to translate the sa-logic to the SA-Logic services IP address.

Good, now we can continue with:

Deployment SA WebApp (continued)

Fig. 4. State after SA WebApp deployment

Execute the familiar command:

$ kubectl apply -f sa-web-app-deployment.yaml --record
deployment "sa-web-app" created

Done. See figure 2 for the progress, we are left to expose the SA-WebApp pods externally using a LoadBalancer Service, this enables our react application to make http requests to the service as an entry point to the SA-WebApp pods.

Service SA WebApp

Open the file service-sa-web-app-lb.yaml, as you can see it’s composed of stuff that you have mastered.
So without further due execute the command:

$ kubectl apply -f sa-web-app-deployment.yaml
deployment "sa-web-app" created

The architecture is complete. But we have one single dissonance. When we deployed the SA-Frontend pods our container image was pointing to our SA-WebApp in http://localhost:8080/sentiment, but now we need to update it to point to the IP of the SA-WebApp Loadbalancer (which acts as an entry point to the SA-WebApp pods).

To fix this dissonance provides us with the opportunity to succinctly encompass once more everything from code to deployment (it’s even more effective if you do this alone instead of following the guide below). Let’s get started:

  1. Get the SA-WebApp Loadbalancer IP by executing the following command:
$ minikube service list
|  NAMESPACE  |         NAME         |             URL             |
| default     | kubernetes           | No node port                |
| default     | sa-frontend-lb       | |
| default     | sa-logic             | No node port                |
| default     | sa-web-app-lb        | |
| kube-system | kube-dns             | No node port                |
| kube-system | kubernetes-dashboard | |
  1. Use the SA-WebApp LoadBalancer IP in the file sa-frontend/src/App.js, as shown below:
    analyzeSentence() {
        fetch('', { /* shortened for brevity */})
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then(data => this.setState(data));
  1. Build the static files $ yarn build (you need to navigate to the folder sa-frontend)
  2. Build the container image:
$ docker build -f Dockerfile -t $DOCKER_USER_ID/sentiment-analysis-frontend:minikube .
  1. Push the image to Docker hub.
$ docker push $DOCKER_USER_ID/sentiment-analysis-frontend:minikube
  1. Edit the sa-frontend-deployment.yaml to use the new image and
  2. Execute the command kubectl apply -f sa-frontend-deployment.yaml

Refresh the browser or if you closed the window execute minikube service sa-frontend-lb. Give it a try by typing a sentence!


Fig. 5. Completed Architecture

You actually made it here! Now just to recapitulate everything we covered:

  • Building / Packaging / Running ReactJS, Java and Python Applications
  • Docker Containers; how to define and build them using Dockerfiles,
  • Container Registries; we used the Docker Hub as a repository for our containers.
  • We covered the most important parts of Kubernetes.
  • Pods
  • Services
  • Deployments
  • New concepts like Zero-Downtime deployments
  • Creating scalable apps
  • And in the process, we migrated the whole microservice application to a Kubernetes Cluster.

This series provided you with the firm basis, that will enable you to tackle any project and learn new additional concepts along the way.

I am hoping that this series “Kubernetes and everything else” was beneficial for you and am sure that it will help you in your career, if it did please let me know and if you have any critiques please write them to me as well.

For your information,  I will continue doing new amazing series like this one every 3 months. If you are interested, please subscribe to my newsletter and don’t forget to verify your email, otherwise, you might miss them!

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Kubernetes Volumes – in Practice >>
If you enjoyed the article, please share and comment below!
  • Galex Wong

    Hey Rinor,

    I really enjoyed your kubernetes articles. This is by far the best guide I’ve found! Thank you for posting these!

    I have a question regarding what’s the best practice for fetching sentiments through the react app. In your tutorial, you hard coded

    In a real life situation, what happens when the load balancer sa-web-app-lb dies? A new IP address will be given to the service. Now, you can no longer fetch sentiments.

    What’s the best practice without the need to hardcode the load balancer’s address, so that your app can continue to run even if the service dies?



    • Exactly! It was a great tutorial. In the company I work many people followed it to know more about K8s. Thanks a lot by sharing it! Some improvements for the tutorial:

      1. Remove hard-coded IP at the end (
      2. Create Docker Images with build/compilation of Web-app and front-end inside it.

  • haiyangjiajian

    Thanks, it really helpful

  • Milind Sisodiya

    where is content of sa-logic-deployment.yaml file $ kubectl apply -f sa-logic-deployment.yaml –record. You directly created deployment object.

  • Marek Vvu

    Great article. Keep going 😉

  • Luis Fernando Morales

    First of all, awesome! I’m a newbie in Kubernetes/Docker and alll these post are great!

    Second: I’m getting a 500 error when I try to send a POST request to the webapp, seems the kube-dns is not enabled or something because looking at the error it says:

    message: I/O error on POST request for "http://sa-logic/analyse/sentiment": sa-logic; nested exception is java.net.UnknownHostException: sa-logic

  • Joe

    Thank you so much for this fantastic series of articles!

    For those who were wondering how to avoid hardcoding the URL on the frontend, here are a few options:

    1. Ingress – Create an Ingress in front of the two LoadBalancers (example here). You’ll also need to enable an ingress controller with minikube: minikube addons enable ingress. Now you can just fetch('/sentiment') without including the IP address/port.

    2. Nginx reverse proxy – Update the frontend nginx config to include a proxy that maps /sentiment to sa-web-app-lb:8080. This means when you fetch('/sentiment'), nginx will proxy the request to the backend service. See here for an explanation, and an example of the nginx config with proxy here.